

This session is designed for both school staff wanting an introduction to ADHD and to gain practical support ideas. This session provides an insight into how ADHD may present for a child. It looks at the positive aspects of ADHD and includes practical support suggestions as well as a Q&A session.

Useful for:
  • teachers and parents who want to feel more informed about ADHD and equipped with practical strategies to use at school and home
Suitable for:
  • Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCOs), Teachers, Learning Support Assistants and Parents

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Emotionally Based School Avoidance - Supporting children with anxiety

Help to understand and support young people who feel unable to attend school fully

Suitable for:
  • SENCos/ALNCos, Teachers and Learning Support Assistants

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Reducing and Resolving Conflict

Support for adults in schools to use mediation and thinking strategies to reduce challenging behaviour

Suitable for:
  • SENCos/ALNCos, Teachers and Learning Support Assistants

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